
The application GetMyFriends (hereinafter « the Application ») is an application « iPhone ». The Application can be downloaded directly from the smartphone of the User. Access to and use of the Application is free. This service does not require creating an account but it is mandatory to be enrolled on at least one of the following services: Facebook, Foursquare or Latitude.


 download the application,

 report to their friends where they are,

 geotag the user, if it so wishes,

 geotag places

 geotag members of the network of each user, to the extent that such members will géocalisé on one of the Facebook service, Foursquare or Latitude, particularly to enable the User to géocaliser members of its network.

Important: In order for the service GetMyFriend to work, it is imperative that the user has an account with at least one of the following services: Facebook, Foursquare or Latitude.


The use after downloading the application by any User shall be governed by these Terms of Use (hereinafter also referred to as « TOS »).

4. Personal Data

For the good operation of the Application, the company Web Officer is forced when using the option « Alert’s Friend » to collect personal data of users as UDID, the locations that you have provided, assets used services (Facebook, Foursquare and / or Latitude) and their token.

The personal data are collected, processed, recorded and stored in accordance with the legal provisions in force in France. We undertake to protect personal data disclosed in compliance with the terms of these Terms. In particular, personal data collected on the Application is intended for our use only, and to the extent that the User does not object, to other users of its network.

We also inform the user that we reserve the right to automatically collect non-personal statistical data (eg number of users using the application, frequency of use, the more pages viewed, etc..), Data We then analyze to determine usage patterns of the application and if necessary improve the content and / or access, and / or use.

We may have to use « cookie » files deposited in the Application. In general, file a « cookie » stores information about the navigation of the user’s computer to facilitate subsequent use of the Application.These cookies are also intended to enable us to collect information on the attendance of the Application and to compile statistics.

We pledge to use the information obtained through the implementation of cookies for the duration necessary for the purposes given above.

The User has the right to oppose the registration of « cookies » by configuring their browser. Each browser is different, the user must check the « Help » menu of the browser how to change the preferences for cookies.

The personal data will in no case be transmitted and / or sold to third parties. Only our staff and / or the companies that we attend to the operation of the applications and users of the network of the user concerned, have access to personal data of users.

If we are required by law or by a judge to disclose personal data about the user, we will, wherever possible, to notify the user (unless we reasonably believe will not be allowed to do so especially given the legal or judicial We could lie).

We also remind the user that, given the state of technology, especially those applied to telecommunications networks typically We can not guarantee such confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-usurpation, and that the deletion of e-mails and / or SMS, and / or voice messages that the user sends or receives through the use of service related to the Application.

We can not be held responsible for « spam » or any action suffered by users of the application that would have decided to publish a public space of the application, all personal data including their email address.

We can not also be held responsible for any harmful consequences related to the transmission by a User of any personal data to any other user or any third party.

5. Respect for privacy

Users are informed that their personal data may be associated with location data to allow the user to benefit from the services offered by the Application.

Under this article, and expressly authorizes the User:

to be location-based,
that his personal data are associated with location data,
the assembly formed of the aforementioned data be transmitted to the network of each user.
The User is informed that he can still explicitly oppose some or all of the above service to notify us in writing within the terms of the article « Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition » of TOS.


The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations and text contained on the application GetMyFriends are the intellectual property of the company and Web Officer may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express permission of the company Web Officer, under penalty of law.

The rights of use granted by the Web Officer Joined strictly limited to accessing, downloading, printing, reproduction in all media and use these documents for private and personal in and for the duration of membership GetMyFriends. Any other use is prohibited by the User without authorization from the company Web Officer.

The User agrees not to modify, copy, reproduce, upload, post, transmit, commercially exploit and / or distribute in any way the services GetMyFriends pages GetMyFriends application or software codes for elements comprising the GetMyFriends services.


Users are encouraged to publicize their comments on the application.

Users who participate in the dissemination of comments we allow and we expressly grant, as appropriate, under these TOS, a license of representation and reproduction on the comments posted on the Application.

7. User behavior

Each user must use the Internet and especially the Application liable with respect and courtesy to the rights of other Internet users. As such, the User, by accessing the Application shall refrain from:

Application upload, post, email or otherwise transmit any way any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;
interfere with or disrupt the Application and / or servers or networks connected to the Application, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Application;
trying to undermine the use of any User Application, the host or network, including, but not exhaustive, does not expose the application to a virus, creating a saturated, d to flood the server to saturate messaging available via e-mail;
access comments that are not intended to enter a user or server is not authorized to access;
attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Application, or to breach security measures without receiving permission;
conduct an activity or induce another person to conduct any illegal activity or other activity that we would undermine our rights, the rights of our suppliers, partners, distributors, advertisers or any other person;
convey or transfer (by any means) information or software derived from the particular application to other countries or certain foreign nationals in violation of any law or national or international regulations.
At any time and for any reason, we can implement any means to end, and without notice, to the use of the application by a user, for any conduct that violates these Terms of use, without prejudice to any damages that We reserve the right to seek audit user in case of non compliance with the TOS.

8. Conditions for access and operation of the Application

The User is personally responsible for the development of computer and telecommunications to access and use of the Application and knowledge needed to use the Internet and telephony. The user continues to cover the costs of connection and equipment related to Internet access and use the application like with the Internet service provider and telecommunications provider.

Access to and use of the Application requires the user to:

to have a mobile phone usually called « smartphone » with the functions of a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant or handheld digital device) that can provide the functionality of agenda / calendar, web browsing, e-mail consultation, instant messaging, GPS, and all sorts of additional applications compatible;
the smartphone User is also compatible with the Application (Iphone), provided that we do not guarantee in any way the application compatibility with your smartphone User;
to have a telecommunications network and / or an integrated package of Internet use.
We recall in this respect to the User that it remains in any case bear the costs of connection and equipment related to Internet access and use of the Application.


In any case and whatever the basis of the claim and / or legal action, it must be made against us in the years following the onset of the event, subject of the complaint and will be limited an amount of 1,000 Euros.


We reserve the right to modify and update the TOS at any time. To be informed of these possible changes, and we recommend that the User read the TOS accessible via the application. Using the Application will be submitted to UGC in effect when using it.

In the event that any provision of these Terms is void due to a change in legislation, regulation or court decision, this does not in any way affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the TOS .

These Terms are governed by French law as to the rules of form as substantive rules. For any dispute concerning the existence, interpretation, performance or breach of these Terms between us and the user, it is the courts have exclusive jurisdiction under the Code of Civil Procedure.